Friday, March 6, 2009

One year ago today....

...was my last day of work before Rylan came into the world! We knew that Rylan was already around 8 pounds so Dr. Marshall wanted me to be induced on Wednesday the 12th. My gestional diabetes and high blood pressure were making it so that I had to get hooked up to monitors twice a week to check Rylan's heart rate and make sure she was doing okay. I also had to give myself a shot of insulin in the belly every night and check my blood sugars after every meal. After two months of that I was ready to enjoy a "real" coffee or coke or pizza again. And we were most certainly anxious to meet our miracle baby and see if God was going to bless us with a little boy or girl!

Friday evening we went to the hospital because I had a killer headache, which I got frequently throughout my pregnancy. I had experienced one a week prior and the doctor was upset that I hadn't let Shaun bring me in. I can be stubborn sometimes! So I was hooked up to the monitors again but all was okay and I got to enjoy a few days of rest and last minute projects. While we were at the hospital Friday I had the nurse that was with me through delivery the next week. I can't remember her name now but if I ever get to have another baby I want her to be around!! She was awesome. Anyway, here are some pics of a year ago and today!

My last day at school. I was really ticked at Cheryl for making us take a pic-it even made into the yearbook. Rylan was one of eight babies born to a Conestoga staff member during the 2007-08 school year!

The last ultrasound pic of Rylan. I think this was the Tuesday before she was born.

Our little pea pie today! We are so very blessed to have her. I can't believe that she will celebrate her 1st birthday in one short week!!

1 comment:

  1. Judd's 1st was so much fun. I did the same thing you did about remembering the whole labor and delivery and things leading up to his birth. It's amazing that only one year ago our little bundles weren't a part of our life yet and now we can't even imagine a moment without them in it! Happy Early Birthday Rylan!!
